Phone : +919555044682
An obstetrician is a medical professional who offers preconception, pregnancy, delivery, and postpartum medical and surgical treatment. Specialized medical care is provided during pregnancy and childbirth by Dr. Akanksha Setya. You could decide to see a private obstetrician for the duration of your pregnancy. Only if there is a medical need or complication should you visit Dr. Akanksha Setya if you intend to give birth in a public hospital or birth centre. A doctor having advanced training in giving birth and treating pregnant and postpartum women is known as an obstetrician. Obstetricians are capable of performing caesarean sections and managing complicated or high-risk pregnancies and births. Many have also received training in reproductive health for women (gynaecology). You probably won't require an obstetrician if you give birth in a public hospital without any complications as a public patient.
For more details please contact us at +919555044682
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