Phone : +919555044682
An obstetrician (after childbirth) is a medical professional who focuses on treating patients before conception, during pregnancy, during childbirth, and for the first few weeks after delivery. They perform procedures related to labor and delivery and treat conditions unique to pregnancy. Obstetricians have specialized training in caring for patients before conception, during pregnancy, during labor, and in the initial postpartum period. They manage and treat pregnancy-related health disorders in order to protect your health as well as the health of your unborn child. Obstetricians can perform cesarean sections, diagnose and treat medical disorders, and manage complicated or high-risk pregnancies and births. We are aware that every expecting mother may decide to consult a private doctor during her pregnancy. At Dr. Akanksha Setya's Clinic, we provide patients with expert medical care during pregnancy and labor. Only if there is a medical emergency or problem and you want to give birth in a public hospital or birthing facility should you visit Dr. Akanksha Setya's Clinic.
For more details please contact us at +919555044682
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