Phone : +919555044682
Dr. Akanksha Setya specializes in the treatment of dyspareunia, which refers to painful intercourse experienced by individuals. This condition can stem from various causes, including hormonal imbalances, infections, pelvic disorders, or psychological factors. Treatment for dyspareunia at Dr. Akanksha Setya’s clinic involves comprehensive evaluations to identify the underlying cause, followed by tailored therapies such as counseling, medication, or physical therapy. The advantages of seeking treatment include relief from discomfort, improved sexual health, and enhanced overall well-being. Initial consultations typically take about an hour, with follow-up appointments ranging from 30 to 45 minutes, depending on the treatment plan. Dr. Akanksha Setya ensures a compassionate and supportive environment for patients seeking effective solutions to manage dyspareunia.
For more details please contact us at +919555044682
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